The Motivation

Octavian, an IT consultant from London, began noticing his hair loss in his late 20s. It started to become quite bothersome. Like many men suffering from male pattern baldness, he was able to stabilise his hair loss using anti-hair loss medication, but after four years, he was still unhappy. By his early 30s, he had made the decision to act and embark on hair transplant surgery. After speaking to several hair transplant clinics, Octavian was consistently disappointed that he could not get the answers he was seeking. Then, he discovered Dr Mark Tam's website.

The first thing that caught Octavian’s interest was the free preassessment offered by Dr Tam. He was able to fill in a form about his hair loss and send over a couple of photographs and was thrilled to promptly receive a detailed assessment. Soon after, he had a face-to-face consultation with Dr Tam. They discussed the hair transplant process, what to expect, and how the treatment would be uniquely tailored to achieve a perfect outcome for Octavian, thanks to the IDEAL technique. At the end of their meeting, Octavian realised that Dr Tam was the hair transplant surgeon for him. He wanted to restore his hairline and temples and to do so with a good density.

Image of Octavian before the treatment Image of Octavian after the treatment

The Process

Before the day of the surgery, Dr Tam gave Octavian the option to either shave off all his hair ahead of the procedure or to keep as much as possible in a hairstyle to suit (created by our complementary hairdresser) and only shave the areas where the hair follicles would be harvested and implanted. Octavian was thrilled to have the choice and went for the latter, allowing him to easily cover the shaved area at the hairline with his native hair whilst it healed. To achieve a good result for Octavian, Dr Tam was mindful that he needed to attain a high-density transplantation.

Contrary to popular belief, achieving a high density of transplanted hair grafts is not about making as many incisions as possible in each area. It is about using smaller incisions. By employing custom-designed hand-cut blades, Dr Tam can achieve higher density placement but with less injury to reach next-level outcomes when it comes to density, compared to others in his speciality. He calls it ultra-high density. For Octavian, this means that the density level in the transplanted areas will be closer to his native hair density. But that is not all. The type of graft needed along the hairline for optimal restoration is critical; this is even more important in patients with coarser hair types, like Octavian. Most credible hair transplant surgeons know that the textbook answer is to place single hair follicles at the hairline, but the art is knowing how many single hair follicles to use.

Using the IDEAL technique, Dr Tam is in control and can craft and create the hairline that his patients seek. The artistry involved in creating individually separated hair follicles by carefully and precisely dissecting multiple hair follicles under the direct stereoscopic vision and magnification of a microscope or harvesting partial follicular unit extractions that split hair follicles that are close together at the donor site and using them alongside multiple hair follicles takes precision and balance and will define the results achieved. Placement of too few single hair follicles, and you will see ‘plugginess’, too many results in more see-through areas amongst the hairs than desirable. Getting it just right takes an expert eye; this is why Dr Tam achieves stunning results.

The Result

Octavian’s result is a natural, dense hairline without looking ‘pluggy’ and with little see-through visibility, blending in with his native hair and achieving the right balance between the two at the hairline.

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After Treatment

Image of Octavian after the treatment Image of Octavian after the treatment Image of Octavian after the treatment
Image of Octavian after the treatment Image of Octavian after the treatment

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Benefits of an Assessment

Dr Mark Tam explains the benefits of an assessment.

Image of Octavian and Dr Tam after the treatment play button

Start Your Assessment Today

In order to save patients time and unnecessary costs, Dr Tam requires a pre-consultation screening to assess your suitability for surgery based on supplied photographs.

This form of assessment will only serve to give you an idea of whether you are likely to be suitable for a Hair Transplant, as well as providing you with a rough price estimate for the area you wish to have treated.

This assessment is complimentary but does not replace the need for a full consultation.

Once you have submitted your details along with the 3 required photos Dr Mark Tam will assess your suitability and you will receive a full report via email.

Recommended image types for uploading include JPG/JPEG and PNG.
Please do not press the back button or refresh the page after pressing the submit button.

* - Required field

Your Details

Are you currently taking, or have you previously tried anti-hair loss medication? *

Would you describe your natural hair as curly? *



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